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Water Trampoline FAQs
添加时间:2012/3/5 9:05:15  点击数:2486

Q. How do I inflate and deflate the water trampoline?

A. You will need a shop vac. or strong power inflator.  Many marina areas have compressed air, but you will need to deflate with a power unit, sucking out the air until the product is flat. We sell a power inflator for this purpose.


Q. How do I store my water trampoline when summer is over?

A. Power deflate and wipe down before storing. Store in a dry storage bin or wrap in a plastic tarp and tie with a rope, and store in a dry place. (see set-up page)


Q. How big of a boat do I need to move the water trampoline?

A. It doesn't require very much horse power to pull. 5 hp is the minimum required to move a water trampoline.

Q. How do I anchor the Island Hopper™ once I have it set up and on the water?

A. Your Island Hopper has D-ring attachments around the outside and on the inside. (see photos) You can simply drop a marine anchor down and tie off to the D-ring. This method makes it easier to move your trampoline at a moment's notice. If you want to anchor to a permanent underwater mooring, drop the lines down from the D-rings on the inside of the tube, (under the jump surface) so as to keep the lines out of the way of the swimmers. 


Q. How do I repair a small hole in my flotation tube? 

A. It is as easy to repair a hole as it was with your bike tires when you were a kid. Every unit comes with a repair kit included. Follow the instructions in your owner's manual or call Aqua Sports for details. 


Q. What do I do in the Winter with my trampoline?  

A. We recommend you deflate and store your flotation tube when you're done playing in the Fall. Do not leave it exposed in the cold during the winter months. Simply deflate and fold it into a tarp or bag. We also suggest you treat it with 303 protection or UV Tech before you put it to bed for the winter.


Q. I'm having trouble inflating my tube - I think the valve is broken". "What do I do?  

A. Often it seems a valve is not working when it is.

we uses a high quality "inflatable boat valve" on our banana boats and water trampolines. This valve can be used with most power inflators or the foot pump that is supplied with every banana boat.

Needle Spring system  Two part valve- Top screws into bottom half that is inside the tube
To open the valve, simply push down the yellow-topped needle spring and turn to the right while in the down position. The needle spring will stay down and the valve will be open. You can then simply butt any power inflator or Shop Vac up to this opening and fill the trampoline or banana until firm.  Once it is firm, quickly remove the inflator and push down the needle spring and turn to the left  - it will pop back up to the closed position.

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Manufacturer for inflatable amusement park/bouncy castle/ moonwalk /slide /water ball/zorb
