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1. Hill zorbing 
     - harness hill zorbing 
     - free hill zorbing 
     - run zorbing 
     - hill run zorbing
2. Hydro zorbing 
     - harness hydro zorbing 
     - run hydro zorbing 
3. Aqua (water) zorbing 
     - harness aqua zorbing 
4. Snow zorbing 
     - harness snow hill zorbing 
     - free snow hill zorbing 
     - run snow zorbing 
     - snow hill run zorbing 
5. Aero zorbing 

What is ZORB?

The classic definition of “zorb” sounds something like this: “A transparent sphere with diameter 3,2 m with the cabin for a passenger (zorbonaut) inside”. Zorb is destined for rolling down hills, mountains and other highnesses. Zorb’s weight is about 80 kg.

Some history:
In 1973 French engineer Gilles Ebersolt constructed and patented plastic transparent sphere allowing people to roll down hills and other highnesses - “La Ballule, a wonderful sphere”. It is interesting that the gate through which a man could enter inside the ball was zipped. In 1980 Ebersolt enlarges the ball’s diameter up to 4 m and in 1985 – up to 6 m. In such a ball he rolls down at first 10-meters waterfall and then Fujiyama in Japan (3776 m).

Every year new modifications have been making in ball’s construction. It was established that PVC (polyvinylchloride) and PU (polyurethane) are the best materials for La Ballule making. The Ball’s optimal dimension (3m 20cm), the quantity of strings, the walls thickness, etc. were calculated. As a result in the beginning of 90-th the World got 3 main versions of La Ballule, having different names, but in general being the similar products. ULTRABALL of German Josef Schweitzer production (just in this version Jackie Chan pulled foot from cavemen in movie “God’s armor – 2: Operations Condor” (1991). Not bad, but quite expensive version, moreover polyurethane, low temperature resistant, poorly transmits sun rays and obtains an apparent brown toning against white snow. Besides, this ball looks quite strange thanks to it’s external frame of “triangles”.

ZORB (New Zealand). The evident “upsides” of this version, launched in 1994 by Andrew Akers (in 20 years after the French analogue) are the web sitewww.zorb.com and everlasting summer in the national park Rotorua (New Zealand), where Zorb’s creators earn their main money by people rolling down. The “minuses” of this version – the absence of “winter model” and the high installments for the right of Zorb commercial use. The device for fixing Zorbonaut inside the ball (“mounting”) is stationary (inremovable). The names of models are mainly on cosmic subject: “Atlantis”, “Mars”, “Venus”. 
ZORB (USA) – the most perfect product in zorb-engineering. This ball was produced in Germany in the end of 90-th considering the experience of previous constructions. Now all rights on ZORB belong to American company LMI, which registered and use this trade mark in Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland and USA. As a result, universal zorbs had shaped.

"Model "Meridian" – reinforced joints resist to any overloads. Zorbonaut’s fixing system (“mounting”) can be easily (in 3 minutes) demounted. It allows to use the same zorb for downhill, rolling down a stage, hydrozorbing and exhibition on flat ground. 
"Model "Strobo" – is the state-of-the-art development. Not expensive, low temperature (up to –40 degrees) resistant version. It can be used in any season. Inserts of hard coloured polyvinylchloride make the ball more resistant to overloads and mechanical damages. Such a striped ball is better visible on the snow, and sun rays, permeating inside the ball though small transparent windows during rolling down, create an unreal feeling for zorbonaut. The colour of polyvinylchloride is on request of a customer. Such a version has more space for placing customer’s Logo.

Namely "Meridian" and "Strobo" are offered to Russian zorbonauts as the most successful balls.

At hot time of year there is nothing more interesting then water amusements with zorb – hydro-zorbing and walking along the water like about the ground – having only the gate, without mounting. Watermen cannot do without a “bung”, which role a child wind-ball can perfectly play.

As for the children, young zorbonauts can enjoy kinder-zorb, which has nothing different from the “adult” ball but the diameter. If you’ll be suddenly carried to the other side – gigantomania – it is absolutely real to make and deliver to Russia 6-meters and even 12-meters ball (such models Americans of LMI produce). We are not ready to guarantee engrossing rolling in such versions (the sizes, you know…). But as for the effect on viewership – you don’t need the better promotion. That’s why gigantic versions of Zorb are often used as “I-stoppers” at the exhibitions and trade shows. In summer 2002 crowds of tourists could observe like entranced 12-meters ZORB with logos of one famous beverages producer, rolling on waves of Balaton lake.

Zorb is inflated in 7-10 minutes with the help of special compressor (or a usual vacuum cleaner), and in ready for use form it weight 80 kg.

Naiccy Toys ( GuangZhou) CO.,Ltd Repair kit is supplied with Zorb. By the way, it is quite easy to repair Zorb: there are only two troubles you can have with it. The first – is the hole of sharp stone or splinter of glass (is glued up with special patch by very toxic glue in 3 minutes). After this place of pasting up is long while searching by the crowd. It is absolutely invisible! The second bad break – is a broken string (On diet! Sooner!). It is happened extremely rarely. Repairing takes not more then 10 minutes. 

What is ZORB?

The classic definition of “zorb” sounds something like this: “A transparent sphere with diameter 3,2 m with the cabin for a passenger (zorbonaut) inside”. Zorb is destined for rolling down hills, mountains and other highnesses. Zorb’s weight is about 80 kg.

Some history:
In 1973 French engineer Gilles Ebersolt constructed and patented plastic transparent sphere allowing people to roll down hills and other highnesses - “La Ballule, a wonderful sphere”. It is interesting that the gate through which a man could enter inside the ball was zipped. In 1980 Ebersolt enlarges the ball’s diameter up to 4 m and in 1985 – up to 6 m. In such a ball he rolls down at first 10-meters waterfall and then Fujiyama in Japan (3776 m).

Every year new modifications have been making in ball’s construction. It was established that PVC (polyvinylchloride) and PU (polyurethane) are the best materials for La Ballule making. The Ball’s optimal dimension (3m 20cm), the quantity of strings, the walls thickness, etc. were calculated. As a result in the beginning of 90-th the World got 3 main versions of La Ballule, having different names, but in general being the similar products. ULTRABALL of German Josef Schweitzer production (just in this version Jackie Chan pulled foot from cavemen in movie “God’s armor – 2: Operations Condor” (1991). Not bad, but quite expensive version, moreover polyurethane, low temperature resistant, poorly transmits sun rays and obtains an apparent brown toning against white snow. Besides, this ball looks quite strange thanks to it’s external frame of “triangles”.

ZORB (New Zealand). The evident “upsides” of this version, launched in 1994 by Andrew Akers (in 20 years after the French analogue) are the web sitewww.zorb.com and everlasting summer in the national park Rotorua (New Zealand), where Zorb’s creators earn their main money by people rolling down. The “minuses” of this version – the absence of “winter model” and the high installments for the right of Zorb commercial use. The device for fixing Zorbonaut inside the ball (“mounting”) is stationary (inremovable). The names of models are mainly on cosmic subject: “Atlantis”, “Mars”, “Venus”. 
ZORB (USA) – the most perfect product in zorb-engineering. This ball was produced in Germany in the end of 90-th considering the experience of previous constructions. Now all rights on ZORB belong to American company LMI, which registered and use this trade mark in Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland and USA. As a result, universal zorbs had shaped.

"Model "Meridian" – reinforced joints resist to any overloads. Zorbonaut’s fixing system (“mounting”) can be easily (in 3 minutes) demounted. It allows to use the same zorb for downhill, rolling down a stage, hydrozorbing and exhibition on flat ground. 
"Model "Strobo" – is the state-of-the-art development. Not expensive, low temperature (up to –40 degrees) resistant version. It can be used in any season. Inserts of hard coloured polyvinylchloride make the ball more resistant to overloads and mechanical damages. Such a striped ball is better visible on the snow, and sun rays, permeating inside the ball though small transparent windows during rolling down, create an unreal feeling for zorbonaut. The colour of polyvinylchloride is on request of a customer. Such a version has more space for placing customer’s Logo.

Namely "Meridian" and "Strobo" are offered to Russian zorbonauts as the most successful balls.

At hot time of year there is nothing more interesting then water amusements with zorb – hydro-zorbing and walking along the water like about the ground – having only the gate, without mounting. Watermen cannot do without a “bung”, which role a child wind-ball can perfectly play.

As for the children, young zorbonauts can enjoy kinder-zorb, which has nothing different from the “adult” ball but the diameter. If you’ll be suddenly carried to the other side – gigantomania – it is absolutely real to make and deliver to Russia 6-meters and even 12-meters ball (such models Americans of LMI produce). We are not ready to guarantee engrossing rolling in such versions (the sizes, you know…). But as for the effect on viewership – you don’t need the better promotion. That’s why gigantic versions of Zorb are often used as “I-stoppers” at the exhibitions and trade shows. In summer 2002 crowds of tourists could observe like entranced 12-meters ZORB with logos of one famous beverages producer, rolling on waves of Balaton lake.

Zorb is inflated in 7-10 minutes with the help of special compressor (or a usual vacuum cleaner), and in ready for use form it weight 80 kg.

Repair kit is supplied with Zorb. By the way, it is quite easy to repair Zorb: there are only two troubles you can have with it. The first – is the hole of sharp stone or splinter of glass (is glued up with special patch by very toxic glue in 3 minutes). After this place of pasting up is long while searching by the crowd. It is absolutely invisible! The second bad break – is a broken string (On diet! Sooner!). It is happened extremely rarely. Repairing takes not more then 10 minutes. 

Copyright © 2000-2013  Naiccy Toys ( GuangZhou) CO.,Ltd All rights reserved.
Tel:86-20-84569653    Email:admin@gzinflatables.com
Manufacturer for inflatable amusement park/bouncy castle/ moonwalk /slide /water ball/zorb
